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2019年1月12日 星期六



201893 雷切爾庫珀




新債券系列的重點是支持SDG 6,清潔水和衛生以及SDG 15,水下生活。

債券系列由上週舉行的世界水週(World Water Week)構成,巴厘島的我們的海洋會議將於10月舉行。

The World Bank have launched a Sustainable Development Bond series to raise awareness of the importance of ocean resources.

The international financial institution has plans to raise $3 billion to protect oceans and marine life.The World Bank have introduced the water bond, along with gender, health and nutrition bonds, to give investors opportunity to work towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set in 2015.

The focus for the new bond series is to support SDG 6, Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG 15, Life below Water.

The bond series is framed by World Water Week, taking place just last week, and the “Our Ocean” conference in Bali set for October.

世界銀行首席執行官Kristalina Georgieva表示:地球表面有70%是水,但海洋資源退化,缺乏安全用水會對數億人的生活產生負面影響。


目前,海洋受到陸地和海洋活動的嚴重污染。 這導致全球每年有100,000只海洋哺乳動物和海龜被塑料垃圾殺死。

世界銀行副行長兼財務主管Arunma Oteh表示:今年早些時候發布的債券旨在提高人們對性別,健康和營養的認識,我們很高興推出這一新舉措,並圍繞另一個重要議題與投資者合作 - 清潔水和健康海洋,全世界人民和經濟的生命線。

Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank Chief Executive Officer, said: “Seventy per cent of the planet’s surface is water, yet degraded ocean resources and lack of access to safe water negatively affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people.”

The World Bank said they also “Work with countries to promote strong governance of marine and coastal resources to support sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, make coastlines more resilient, establish coastal and marine protected areas, and reduce pollution.”

Currently, the oceans are being heavily polluted by land and sea-based activities. This has resulted in 100,000 marine mammals and turtles being killed by plastic litter each year globally.

Arunma Oteh, World Bank Vice President and Treasurer, said: “Following bonds issued earlier this year to raise awareness for gender and health and nutrition, we are pleased to launch this new initiative and engage with investors around another critical topic – clean water and healthy oceans, lifelines for people and economies the world over.”



